Cat Hospital of Dallas

9780 LBJ Freeway, Suite 105
Dallas, TX 75243-6842




We are located on LBJ Freeway (IH 635)

at the
Skillman/Audelia Exit

(note that online maps and GPS may give you the wrong exit)

in the shopping center with

Doctor Eye Care and Denny's Restaurant.

(Using the Denny's on Skillman for your GPS location may give better results than the clinic address.)

From LBJ Freeway Eastbound:  Take the Skillman/Audelia exit.  Turn right onto Skillman.  Take the first right onto Whitehurst.  Turn right into the shopping center.

From LBJ Freeway Westbound:  Take the Royal/Miller/Skillman exit #15 (the previous Skillman exit has been combined with Royal/Miller and is no longer available).  Turn left onto Skillman.  Cross over LBJ and turn right on Whitehurst.  Turn right into shopping center.

From Skillman Northbound:  Turn left at Whitehurst/Audelia.  Pass The New Room and turn right into the shopping center.  The Cat Hospital will be straight ahead.

From Skillman Southbound:  Follow directions from LBJ Freeway after exiting onto Skillman.

Please call us at 214-348-2463 if you need further directions.